Ace Release Party DJ for fancy pants

20 03 2009

You might remember a little while ago we flagged up a brilliant new gig night from The Release Party that happens in Limerick, Galway and Dublin and seems to be made of exactly the same stuff we are: dancing, laughing, partying, kissing, chatting and having fun – doom and gloom aside. Well we are delighted to announce that Release Party founder David O’Donovan will be DJ-ing his ass off for us in the castle on May 2nd.  

David is behind countless other groovy things in Limerick and beyond and knows his music Nigella Lawson knows cakes- intimately and with great gusto. He’s been bringing the Release Party joy all over the country this year as the testimonials on their fb page bear out, and he now he’ll be bringing the Release vibe to Sligo. Expect music designed to get you on the dance floor, get you smiling and keep you there.

David will be joining Donal Dineen and Neosupervital on the roster of Fancy-Pants-Music-Men-Designed-to-get-you-Dancing.  See our tunes talent post for more info.

the release party

27 02 2009


The Release Party

We just want to big up The Release Party and bring it to your attention. This was started by some brilliant heads in Limerick that we know to be the purveyors of totally cool and fun independent things. The Release Party, much like ourselves, are about sticking it to the recession and having a good time with good people and great music and little else. Sounds like just the thing.

So if you’re in Dublin, Limerick or Galway do yourself a favour and head along. They sound like wicked nights, and perfect for Fancy Pants heads.